Breaking Barriers Symposium Briefing Book - Agenda and pre-reading on some of the collaborative efforts to be featured and discussed at the Symposium in Sacramento, CA, November 20-21, 2019.
Interagency Leadership Panel Presentation
Introductory Presentation: Interagency Leadership Teaming as the Cornerstone of Integrated Care
Placer Panel Presentation: Placer County Children’s System of Care
Alex Briscoe - Keynote: The Medicaid Map: Who Funds What and How to Access It
Daniel Stein: Interagency Data and Outcomes
Shared Data Panel Presentation
Introductory Presentation - Enhancing Outcomes through Collaborative Information and Data Sharing
Panel Presentation from Elizabeth Estes and Rebecca Gudeman: Breaking Barriers to Information Sharing
Jeremy Cantor - Keynote: Building Accountable Communities: Health and Prevention
2019 Breaking Barriers Toolkit: the toolkit presents promising practices and strategies to facilitate interagency collaboration, address administrative and financing challenges, and implement, replicate, and scale successful integrated approaches to addressing the unmet social, emotional, and developmental needs of California’s children and their families.
Facilitated Breakout Guides: Documents to help facilitate discussions during the four breakout sessions.
Additional Resources
Leading up to the Symposium, The Chronicle of Social Change published a series of articles, OpEds, and Q & As on early childhood education.
When a Child’s Issues Are Bigger Than Just One Agency OpEd by Hon. Patrick J. Mahoney (Ret.)
California’s Surgeon General Readies Statewide Screening for Child Trauma Q & A with California Surgeon General Nadine Burke Harris
Why We Need a New System of Care for California’s Youngest Children and Their Families Q & A with California Children's Trust Principal Alex Briscoe
The Fight Against Preschool Pushout Feature Article by Sara Tiano and Jeremy Loudenback
How One County is Working Together to Address Young People at Risk of Suicide OpEd by CEO of the California Association of Health and Education Linked Professions, Joint Powers Authority Jenae Holtz
Three Bright Spots in California’s Fitful and Failing Implementation of a Federal Law Aimed at Lifting Foster Students’ Academic Horizons Feature Article by Susan Abram