The 2020 Breaking Barriers Interagency Symposium took take place exclusively online over four consecutive Thursday mornings. Each of these Thursday sessions focused on one of the four pillars: Shared Leadership, Shared Data, Shared Community, and Shared Finance.
Below are the presentation/resource materials provided for select sessions. Watch all the sessions on the Breaking Barriers YouTube channel.
DAY ONE: Shared Leadership
Elizabeth Estes, Breaking Barriers California, Founder
Giannina Perez, Office of the Governor, Sr Policy Advisor for Early ChildhoodBuilding Equity for All - From I to WE
Carla Bryant, Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation, District Innovation and Leadership Initiative for Early Education; former Chief of Early Childhood Education, SFUSDRace, Equity, Trauma, and the Whole Child/Whole Community Imperative
Ken Epstein, former Director of the Children Youth and Family System of Care, San Francisco Behavioral Health ServicesStories from the Field—Interagency Leadership for Whole Child Whole Community Care
Elena Cabrera (moderator), Folsom Cordova Unified School District, Categorical Programs and Grants
Tracy Lacey, Solano County Health & Social Services, Senior Mental Health Services Manager and Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Coordinator
Nicola Parr, Solano County Office of Education, Senior Director of Student and Program Support
David Swanson Hollinger, County of Ventura, Human Services Agency, Senior Program Manager, Children and Family ServicesDeep Dive - Current California Child Welfare Efforts to Further Whole Child Whole Community
Ken Berrick, Seneca Family of Agencies, Founder and CEO
Diana Boyer, County Welfare Directors Association of California, Director of Policy for Child Welfare and Older Adult Services
Karen Larsen, Yolo County Health and Human Services Agency, Director
Molly Kholos, County Behavioral Health Directors Association of California, Policy AnalystReal Stories State and Local Implementation and Success
Kimberly Salomonson, WestEd, Senior Program Associate, Special Education Policy and Practice
Hayley Field
DAY TWO: Shared Data
Importance of Whole Child Care and One Interconnected System of Supports
Maureen Burness, SELPAs in Northern California, Former Assistant Superintendent
Heather Hough, Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE), Executive DirectorLinking Multi-Disciplinary Assessment Information Toward Whole Child Service Coordination & Care
Kate Cordell, Mental Health Data Alliance, Managing DirectorNeurobiology - The Critical Importance of Understanding the Whole Child
Marilu Gorno Tempini, M.D., Ph.D., UCSF Language Neurobiology Laboratory, Director; UCSF Dyslexia Center, Co-Director and Co-FounderDeep Dive Session - Whole Child Assessment and Neurobiology
Marilu Gorno Tempini, M.D., Ph.D., UCSF Language Neurobiology Laboratory, Director; UCSF Dyslexia Center, Co-Director and Co-Founder
Kate Mulligan, Chartwell School, Head of School
Jodi Amaditz, Chartwell School, Director of Lower and Middle School Programs, Co-Director Teacher Training Program
Billy Swift, Chartwell School, Director of Student SupportCradle to Career Longitudinal Data Effort in California
Kathy Booth, WestEd, Project Director, Educational Data and Policy
LeAnn Fong-Batkin, WestEd, Senior Project Manager - California Data System
Day Three: Shared Community
Welcome to Shared Community Day
Steve Hornberger, SDSU Social Policy Institute, DirectorStrategies for Building and Leading Impactful Collaboratives
Jeremy Cantor, JSI, Senior Consultant/Project Director
Erin Shigekawa, JSI, ConsultantStories from the Field - Parents and Community in Action
Mildred Browne (moderator), Ascendancy Solutions; former SELPA Director, Mt. Diablo Unified School District; California Special Education Task Force Member; State Special Education Advisory Commissioner
Mayra Alvarez, The Children’s Partnership, President
Lori Litel, United Parents, Executive Director
Tanya McCullom, Alameda County Behavioral Health Care, Office of Family Empowerment, Program Specialist
Jevon Wilkes, California Coalition for Youth, Executive DirectorStories from the Field - Youth in Action
Jevon Wilkes (moderator), California Coalition for Youth, Executive Director
Levi Deatherage
Mitchell Dumpson
Kylene Hashimoto
Eboni StallworthDeep Dive Session - Life Learning Academy on a Whole Child Whole Community School
Teri Delane, Life Learning Academy, Executive Director
Jamal Fields, Life Learning Academy, Chief Academic Officer
Craig Miller, Life Learning Academy, Chief Operating OfficerClosing - Realizing Equity Through Shared Community
Will Lightbourne, California Department of Health Care Services, Director
Day Four: Shared Finance
Welcome to Shared Finance Day
Toby Ewing, Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC), Executive DirectorToward More Effective and Efficient Services - Cal AIM and Its Impact on the Child and Family
Jim Kooler, California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), Assistant Deputy Director, Behavioral Health Greg Rose, California Department of Social Services (DSS), Deputy Director, Children & Family Services DivisionSB75 and Its Impact on MediCal Access
Jason Willis (moderator), WestEd, Director of Strategy & Performance, Comprehensive School Assistance Program
Debbie Look, California State Assembly, Committee on Education, Principal Consultant
Jillian Mongetta, California Department of Health Care Services, Chief, Local Governmental Financing Division
Stacey Wedin, California Department of Education, Special Education Division, Education Administrator for Statewide Policy and ImplementationListening to Those We Serve Options Toward Transformation
Dana Blackwell, Casey Family Programs, Senior Director
Roger De Leon
Bob Ruble
Katarina KabickDeep Dive Session - Practical Guide for Financing Social, Emotional, & Mental Health in Schools
Alex Briscoe, California Children’s Trust, PrincipalClosing - Next Steps for 2021 and Beyond
Dr. Richard Pan, California State Senator (CA-6)
Maureen Burness, SELPAs in Northern California, Former Assistant Superintendent
Pre-Symposium Webinars
With the support and partnership of the MHSOAC, we presented two 60-minute webinars to concretely inform and expand the learning around school/community mental health.
This webinar highlighted the unique power and role of community partners in designing and delivering integrated and collaborative care. Placer County Office of Education presented their journey in constructing Multi-Agency Leadership processes involving parents and youth with lived experience.
The Urgent Need to Accelerate Data Interoperability Across Health, Education, and Human Services
Speaker: Daniel Stein, President, Stewards of Change Institute
The need to implement systemic change is now. The opportunity to improve integration between health, human services, education and other domains to improve health, safety, well-being, and equity has never been more apparent. This webinar will describe the application of interoperability, data-sharing, and innovative technology to specific domains including health, human services, and education. We will share several initiatives from around California and nationally, along with available resources and methods.